четверг, 28 сентября 2023 г.


What is internet?

Intenet is а global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. Each Intemet computer, called а host, is independent. Its operators саn choose which Intenet services to use. The lnternet is not synonymous with World Wide Web.

What is а Host?

А host is а computer system that is accessed bу а user when there are two computer systems connected bу modems and telephone lines. The computer system that contains the data is called the host, and the computer at which the user sits is called the remote terminal.

What is World Wide Web?

А system of Intemet servers that support specially formatted documents. he documents are formatted in а markup language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files. This means you сап jump from one document to another simply bу clicking the mouse button.

There are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access the World Wide Web. Two of the most popular browsers are Netscape Navigator and Мicrosoft's Intemet Explorer.

What is the Difference Between the Intemet and the World Wide Web?

Маnу people use the terms lnternet and World Wide Web (or simply the Web) interchangeably, but in fact the two terms are not synonymous. The Intenet and the Web are two separate but related things. The lnternet connects millions of computers together globally, forming а network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Intemet. Information travels over the Intenet in many languages known as protocols.

The World Wide Web, or simply Web is built оn top of the Intenet. The Web also utilizes browsers, such as Intemet Explorer or Netscape, to access Web documents called Web pages. Web documents also contain graphics, sounds, text and video.

The Web is just one of the ways that information can bе sent and received over the Intemet. Intemet is used for e-mail, not the Web. So the Web is just а portion of the Intemet, but the two terms are not synonymous and should not bе confused.

Who invented the World Wide Web?

Tim Bemers-Lee (bom 1955) invented the World Wide Web. His first version of the Web was а program named "Enquire". At the time, Bemers-Leewas working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory located in Geneva, Switzerland. Не invented the system as а way of sharing scientific data (and other information) around the world, using the Intemet, а world-wide network of computers and hypertext documents. Не wrote the language HTML (HyperText Мark-up Language), the basic language for the Web, and devised URL's ( universal resource locators) to designate the location of each web page. НТТР (HyperText Transfer Protocol) was his set of rules for linking to pages оn the Web. After he wrote the first browser in 1990, the World Wide Web was up and going. Its growth was (and still is) phenomenal, and has changed the world, making information more accessible than ever before in history.

Bemers-Lee is now а Principal Research Scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science at МIТ (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the Director of the WЗ Consortium.


global network - глобальная сеть

to link - соединять, связывать

exchange - обмен

host - хост (компьютер, подключенный к сети Интернет)

to gain, get access - получить доступ

remote tenninal - дистанционный (удаленный) терминал

server - сервер

Тема урока: Internet

fonnatted - форматированный

hypertext document - гипертекстовый документ

markup - разметка документа в НТМL - формате HTML (НyperText Markup Language) - язык HTML (стандартный язык, используемый для создания страниц WWW)

URL (Universal Resource Locator) - универсальный указатель информационного ресурса (стандартизованная строка символов, указывающая местонахождение документа в сети Internet)

application - приложение, прикладная программа

browser (Web browser) - Wеb-браузер (программы для просмотра Wеb-страниц в сети Internet)

as long as - пока; до тех пор, пока

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме P r e s e n t, P a s t, F u t u r e  S i m p l e; P r e s e n t, P a s t, F u t u r e C o n t i n u o u s.

1. We (to be) very busy now. We (to discuss) a very important question.

2. Where (to be) Peter? He (to have) his English lesson now? — No, he (to have) his English tomorrow.

3. Where (to be) Susan? — She (to work) in the library at the moment. She (to stop) working in an hour.

4. What children (to do) when you (to come) home yesterday? - They (to play) in their room.

5. At two o’clock tomorrow we (to, take) our French lesson.

6. This problem (to be) too difficult to discuss it now. I (to think) we (to discuss) it tomorrow, when we (to have) more time.

7. He (to spend) last week in a hospital. He (to be) ill.

8. Why you (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (to be) cold.

9. He (not to eat) when I (to come) yesterday. He (to read) a book.

10. As a rule he (to translate) two articles a week. But he (to translate) three articles last week.

11. She (not to see) me when I (to come) into the room. She (to read) at that moment.

12. We (to wait) for them at two o’clock tomorrow. We (to be) sure they (to come) in time.

13. My friends (to walk) when it (to begin) raining.

14. Tomorrow he still (to work) when I come home.

15. Yesterday I (to return) home at eight o’clock: it (to get) dark and (to rain) at the time.

16. I (to cut) my finger when I (to peel) an apple.

17. Let’s go to the cinema when the lessons (to be) over.

18. He (to become) furious when he (to understand) that he was late.

19. If she (not to come) tomorrow, ring her up.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в форме Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past, Future Continuous.

1. Она была очень счастлива, когда получила приз.

2. Посмотри на котенка! Он прыгает по комнате.

3. Он упал с лестницы и ушиб руку, когда красил стену.

4. Если вы перемешаете коричневый и белый цвета, вы получите бежевый цвет.

5. Я поговорю с ним об этом, когда встречу его.

6. Мой сын еще будет делать уроки, когда я приду домой.

7. Мы надеемся, что он примет участие в этой работе.

8. Всю прошлую неделю он готовился к экзаменам.

9. Вчера в шесть вечера она возвращалась с работы.

10. Когда я пришел домой, я увидел, что дома никого нет.

11. Мы отдыхали в своей комнате, когда отец вернулся с работы.

12. Я Зашел на кухню и увидел, что моя жена приготовила обед.

13. Она позвонит вам, как только получит необходимую информацию.

14. Не приходите завтра в два часа: он будет занят в это время и не поможет вам.

15. Я думаю, что мы пойдем на прогулку, когда закончится дождь.

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