четверг, 21 мая 2020 г.

Для студентов I курса 1 группы ПСО на 21 мая 2020 


Пройдите по ссылке, посмотрите как образуется и употребляется The Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Запишите в тетрадь.

Выполните упражнение, раскрыв скобки:
1. I was very tired when I arrived home. (I/work/hard all day)
2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they/play/football)
3. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody/smoke/in the room)
4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was. (she/dream)
5. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.

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    Every year more and more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again. Strangely, it is the most intelligent but most thoughtless animal that is causing most of the problems — man. Nature is very carefully balanced and if this balance is disturbed, animals can disappear alarmingly fast. Every day, thousands of species of animals draw closer to extinction. There are countless number of species which may become extinct before they are even discovered. 
   In many lakes the fish are dying. Fishermen are worried because every year there are fewer fish and some lakes have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is killing the fish? 
  The problem is acid rain. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of the harmful substances in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away.        The rain in many places isn't natural and clean any more. It's full of acid chemicals. When it falls in lakes, it changes them too. The lakes become more acidic. Acid water is like vinegar or lemon juice. It hurts when it gets in your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually live in lake water. That is why the fish are dying in lakes. 

  But dead fish may be just the beginning of the problem. Scientists are finding other effects of acid rain. In some large areas trees are dying. Not just one tree here and there, but whole forests. At first scientists couldn't understand why. There were no bugs or diseases in these trees. The weather was not dry. But now they think that the rain was the cause. Acid rain is making the earth more acidic in these areas. Some kinds of trees cannot live in the soil that is very acidic.
Для студентов II курса РИПК на 21 мая 2020

Просмотрите ролик по теме Greenpeace:


Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова и выражения в тетрадь и выучите их. 
In 1971, motivated by their vision of a green and peaceful world, a small team of activists set sail from Vancouver, Canada, in an old fishing boat. These activists, the founders of Greenpeace, believed a few individuals could make a difference.

Their mission was to "bear witness" to US underground nuclear testing at Amchitka, a tiny island off the West Coast of Alaska, which is one of the world's most earthquake-prone regions. Amchitka was the last refuge for 3000 endangered sea otters, and home to bald eagles, peregrine falcons and other wildlife.Even though their old boat, was intercepted before it got to Amchitka, the journey sparked a flurry of public interest. The US still detonated the bomb, but the voice of reason had been heard. Nuclear testing on Amchitka ended that same year, and the island was later declared a bird sanctuary.

Today, Greenpeace is an international ecological organization that has 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and national as well as regional offices in 41 countries. Its headquarters are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Greenpeace is a non-profit organization and nongovernmental. It unites people of different colours living in different continents and speaking different languages. The common mission of this organization is preserving life on the earth in its full variety.

Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments, corporations or political parties but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants. Greenpeace does not support any political party. Nevertheless, its members carry on a dialogue with all political forces and struggle for approving and passing laws for the welfare of our environment.

As a global organization, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment. It campaigns to stop climate change, save the oceans, stop whaling, say no to genetic engineering, stop the nuclear threat, eliminate toxic chemicals.

The goal of Greenpeace is to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future.

Грамматика: Сослагательное наклонение в английском языке

The Subjunctive Mood

посмотрите ролик по теме:

сослагательное наклонение используется для передачи нереального действия: это действие, которое может быть возможным, желанным или воображаемым (нереальным).

В английском языке в отличие от русского сослагательное наклонение имеет несколько форм:

1. Глагол to be имеет в настоящем времени форму be для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. В прошедшем времени глагол to be имеет форму were для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа:

Present Tense

I be,
you be,
he (she, it) be,
we be,
they be

Past Tense

I were,
you were,
he (she, it) were,
we were,
they were

2. Формы be и were употребляются также для образования Present и Past сослагательного  наклонения в страдательном залоге:

Present Tense

I be sent,
you be sent,
he (she, it) be sent,

we be sent, they be sent

Past Tense

I were sent,
he (she, it) were sent,

we were sent, you were sent, they were sent

3. Формы сослагательного наклонения всех остальных глаголов отличаются от форм изъявительного наклонения только в 3-м лице на­стоящего времени отсутствием окончания -s:

Present Tense

I work,
he (she, it) work,
we work,
you work,
they work

Выполните упражнения для закрепления материала:
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Here we have only real conditions.

If you want to be always healthy … .
You will have to consult the doctor if … .
If you have a running nose … .
You will escape the complications after a disease if … .
The doctor will surely write you a prescription if … .
The doctor will pull out your tooth if … .
Her headache won’t stop if … .
You will be coughing and sneezing constantly if … .
She won’t be able to continue her career if … .
If you don’t cure your throat …
If you don’t take any preventive measures … .

Exercise 2. Open the brackets where necessary and complete the sentences.

If you (to take) the drops now you (feel) much better even tomorrow.
Your heart and lungs (to work) better if you (to live) a healthier life.
If you didn’t consult a doctor … .
You wouldn’t cough and sneeze now if … .
If she took the pills for her sore throat … .
You would be fit as a fiddle now if … .
If you consulted the ENT doctor regularly … .
You wouldn’t wear your glasses now if … .
“I don’t believe you. If everything you tell about your grandmother (to be) truth she (to consult) a neuropathologist!”
You would do morning exercises regularly if … .
If you really were quite well now … .
She wouldn’t suffer from a disease so badly now if … .
If you wanted to escape any side effects of the medicine … .

Exercise 3. Open the brackets where necessary and complete the sentences. Here we have unreal conditions and pretty much of Mixed Condidionals.

If you (put on) warmer clothes yesterday, you (to catch a cold) and (to have) a high temperature.
The dentist wouldn’t have pulled out your tooth if … .
If you (not/to be) so careless you (not /to fall ill) with flu.
You would have been cured already if … .
If you had followed all the doctor’s instructions from the very beginning … .
If he (to fulfil) all the prescriptions of his physician, he (not/to operate) by a surgeon two weeks ago.
If you had agreed to have your tooth filled … .
But for your headache/earache/backache we … .
If my pain in the knee hadn’t been so strong yesterday … .
You wouldn’t have stayed in bed for so long if … .
If you had consulted the oculist in your childhood … .
If she hadn’t been afraid the pediatrician in her childhood … .
If she had had measles, mumps and scarlet fever when being a child … .

  Telling the time properly in English Watch popular way Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use  past  and the preceding hour for min...