среда, 6 мая 2020 г.

Для студентов II курса на 6 мая 2020

1) Выполните упражнения, приведенные после текста Упр. 8, 9.
2) Составьте краткий пересказ текста (12-13)  предложений, выучите его, запишите на видео как вы рассказываете и скиньте видео мне WhatsApp 

Read and translate  the text .

Criminal Justice process in the USA

   Basically, the steps in the criminal court processes arc as follows: arrest and booking, arraignment, trial and appeals (if any).
  A person who comes into contact with the criminal courts must initially be arrested. The arrest may take place with or without using a warrant (e.g. when an offense takes place in the prescnce of the officer, or when there is probable or reasonable cause to believe that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed. A felony is a serious offense punishable by death or imprisonment. A misdemeanor is a less serious offense punishable by a fine or up to one year in jail, or both). Even after an arrest the suspect may be released without being prosecuted for a variety of reasons: mistaken identity, lack of proper evidence, etc.
  After the arrest is made, the suspect is booked. The booking card of the law enforcement agency contains information such as the date and time of arrest, the charge or crime for which the person was arrested, the name of the arrested person, the name of the arresting officcr. Here the accuscd is photographed, fingerprinted, and temporarily released on bail, if possible. The record or booking card is permanently kept in the files of the police department. On important cases, the prosecutor may be present at the booking, but usually he will enter the ease during the arraignment or initial appearance of the suspect before a magistrate or other judicial officer. Before turning to the prosecution of the suspect, it must be remembered that the investigative work of the policc may continue even though the accused is involved with the prosecution or court phases of the criminal justice system.
  At arraignment, summary trials can be held for petty offenses without further processing. During the initial appearance before a magistrate, judge or justice of the peace, the accused is to answer the charges against him. During the arraignment procedure, the charge may be dismissed by the court for a legal reason or the prosecutor may request to have the charges dropped. The initial appearance may also serve as the trial for minor offenses that have payment of a fine or a relatively short time in jail as punishment. Oncc the judge finds a verdict of guilt, the accuscd is sentenced to jail or payment of a fine. The defendant may also be placed on probation for a specified length of time. If sentenced to jail, he may be granted parole.
  The purpose of preliminary hearing in the lower court is to determine whether there is a reasonable cause to believe that a felony was committed and whether there is a reasonable cause to believe that the accused committed the crime. It is here that a preliminary testing of the evidence takes place. As a result the accuscd may be released because of having been arrested not for probable causc, or he may be placed on bail or moved back to jail until his case is tried by the higher court.
  If there is a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed the accuscd, the prosecutor is given statutorily defined number of days to file formal chargcs against the defendant. The charge is filed on the basis of information from citizen complaints and police investigations.
  Then another arraignment is held. If the defendant pleads guilty a date for him to be sentcnced is set by the judge. If the defendant pleads not guilty, he may request to have a jury trial or be tried by the court without a jury. At the trial, if the defendant is convicted, a date for sentencing is set.
   Before imposing the actual sentence an investigation by the probation officer takes place to assist the judge in deciding on a penalty. The defendant may be fined,sentenced to jail, or placed on probation. During  this period the defendant can appeal his conviction. As a rule, the appeal stays the execution of the sentcncc. If the appeal is unsuccessful or the defendant decides not to appeal, the penalty is imposed.
   The defendant is then involved in the corrections of the criminal justice system. It is here that rehabilitation of offenders is supposed to occur. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.
To reduce the risk of convicting an innocent person, there are checks and reviews at all stages of the criminal justice system.

(Law Enforcement in a Democratic Society, E. Beckman)

a magistrate — магистрат; судья полицейского суда
justice of the pcace — мировой судья
have the chargcs dropped — прекратить дело
once the judge finds a verdict of guilt — как только судья выносит обвинительный приговор
is supposed to occur — как полагают, происходит

Ex. 1. Find English equivalents in the text: ( найдите в тексте следующие слова и выражения)

уголовный процесс;                                      упрощенное судопроизводство; 
обвинение;                                                      мелкие правонарушения; 
судебное разбирательство;                         суд низшей инстанции; 
обжалование;                                                  слушать дело;
произвести арест;                                          подвергать уголовному преследованию;
ордер;                                                                признать себя виновным;
совершить тяжкое преступление;            суд присяжных;
тюремное заключение;                                вынести приговор; 
подозреваемый;                                             определить наказание;
правоохранительные органы;                   осудить условно;
обвиняемый;                                                   передать на поруки; 
снимать отпечатки пальцев;                      перевоспитать; 
картотека;                                                        исправительные учреждения.

Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents: Переведите на русский язык

I. law; by-law, law-breaker, lawyer, law enforcement; lawful; to make laws; to obey laws; to enact laws; to pass laws; to violate laws;

II. to prevent; to prevent offenses, prevention of crime; preventive; preventive measures; a preventive war,

III. crimу; a criminal; a criminal case; criminality; a criminological study, to commit a crime; to reduce crimc; to eliminate crimу.

Ex. 3. Find synonyms among the following words: Дайте синонимы следующим словам:

law, purpose, period, to force, a criminal, verdict, to define, aim, to obtain, penalty, duty, offense; evidence; to formulate, term, to get, punishment, to break, crime, offender, sentcnce, to violate, to oblige, cause, statute, obligation, reason, proof.

Ex. 4. Translate the following groups of words: Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык

criminal justice proccss; trial court arraignment; law enforcement: agencies; police investigations; citizcn complaints; a jury trial; a police department file; an imprisonment sentcncc; an arraignment procedure; a higher court trial; a ten-pound fine; a five-hundred dollar bail; a dead body identification; prosecution or court phases.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with one of the words given below,  Закончите предложения, употребив слова из скобок, переведите на русский язык

(misdemeanor, released, summarily, chargcs, evidence, parole, fine, guilt, convicted, trial, felonies, booking, rehabilitate, appeal, charge):

1. There can be no conviction unless the ... of the defendant is established.

2. After making the arrest the officer may conduct a “limited” search for ... of the guilt of the person.

3. During the arraignment procedure the ... may be dismissed.

4. If a judge finds a verdict o f guilt, the accused is sentenced to jail or payment of a ....

5. In some jurisdictions there is no separate preliminary hearing for misdemeanors and ....

6. At the ... a date for sentencing is set.

7. The procedure of... includes photographing and fingerprinting.

8. A person chargcd with a petty offense can be tried ... .

9. The purpose of corrections is to ... offenders.

10. The procedure of prosecutions for a felony is the same as for a ....

11. If the defendant is ... at the trial the date for sentencing is set.

12. The defendant can ... his conviction before the actual sentence is imposed.

13. Even if the defendant is sentcnccd to jail, he may be granted ....

14. During the arraignment the judge ... the accuscd with a specific crimc.

15. The accused may be ... at the preliminary hearing if there is no reasonable cause to believe that he committed the crime.

Ex. 6. Say what it is: 
Завершите предложения словами подходящими по смыслу и переведите на русский язык

1. A formal order given by a judge or a prosecutor to arrest a person is called ....
2. The decision of a court made after the trial of a defendant is callcd ....
3. A fine, imprisonment or probation — all these arc different types of ....
4. A sum of money paid by the person arrested for being released until the trial is called ....
5. If a person breaks the law or violates public order it means that he commits a ..
6. All facts and things that must be presented to court to prove the guilt of the accuscd arc callcd ....
7. If a person is convicted and the penalty is not a fine or imprisonment but placing him under control of a spccial police officcr it means that a person is placed  ... .
8. If a person pleads not guilty and docs not agree with the scntcncc he may file an ....
9. A panel usually consisting o f 12 persons to hold trials is callcd ... .

Ex. 7. Give your definition of the following: Завершите предложения  и переведите на русский язык

1. The accuscd is a person who ...
2. A criminal is a person who ...
3. The defendant is a person who ...
4. The suspect is a person who ...
5. The convict is a person who ...

Ex. 8. Answer the questions on the text: Дайте ответы на вопросы по тексту.

1. What arc the steps of the criminal justicc in the USA?
2. In what eases may an arrest be made without a warrant?
3. What is a felony?
4. What is the punishment for a misdemeanor?
5. May the suspcct be released without being prosecuted? In what cases?
6. What does booking include?
7. Where does booking take place?
8. In what eases are summary trials held?
9. What is the purpose of preliminary hearing?
10. Who files formal charges against defendants?
11. When is a date for sentencing set?
12. What arc the types of punishments?
13. What is the function of the probation officer?
14. When can the defendant appeal his conviction?
15. What is the purpose of corrections?
16. What is done to reduce the risk of convicting an innoccnt person?

Ex. 9. Translate into English: Переведите на английский язык.

1. Уголовный процесс имеет следующие стадии: арест и регистрация, привлечение к суду, предварительное слушание, предъявление обвинения, судебное разбирательство и обжалование.
2. Арест должен производиться на основании постановления (ордера).
3. Тяжкое преступление — это преступление, наказуемое смертной казнью или тюремным заключением.
4. Менее тяжкое уголовное преступление — это преступление, наказуемое штрафом или тюремным заключением до I года.
5. После предварительного слушания лицу предъявляется официальное обвинение.
6. На стадии привлечения к суду обвинение может быть отклонено.
7. Если обвиняемый признает себя виновным, устанавливается дата вынесения приговора.
8. После судебного разбирательства обвиняемый может обжаловать приговор.
9. Обвиняемый может быть осужден только судом.
10. Подозреваемый может быть временно отпущен под залог.

Для студентов I курса 2 группы ПСА на 6 мая 2020


Scotland is a country in the north of Great Britain. It is apart of the United Kingdom. Scotland is divided into three natural regions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Highlands and islands. A lot of places in Scotland are a natural paradise, still untouched by man.
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, well known for its castle. Glasgow is the industrial capital of Scotland. It is the third largest city in Great Britain. The typical products of Scotland are timber, whisky, salmon. Golf is the Scottish natural sport and it seems to have originated in this country.
Scotland is also the land of myths and mysteries; every castle has its ghost. And of course everyone knows about the Loch Ness, Monster. «Nessie» is said to be about six meters long, with a long, thin neck. 


Tartan kilt
Scottish kilts, known as ‘The National Dress of Scotland’, have deep cultural and historical roots and are a sacred symbol of patriotism and honour for a true Scotsman. Kilts are made of tartan, worn around the waist and accompanied by a sporran, which is a small bag worn over the kilt, a kilt pin which holds the two pieces of tartan together at the front, and a sgian dubh, a small dagger which sits in the sock.
Originating back to the 16th century, the kilt first appeared as a thick, woollen full-length garment whose upper half could be worn over the head as a hood, or as a cloak draped over the shoulder. It wasn’t until the late 17th or early 18th century that the knee-length kilt was developed and was worn throughout the Highlands and northern Lowlands.


No visit to Scotland is complete without hearing the iconic sound of traditional Scottish music, and of course, Scotland’s national instrument, the bagpipe. 

8. Контроль усвоенного страноведческого материала. 
l) Scotland consists of ...
a) 2 parts
b) 3 parts
c) one part
2) Scotland is situated ...
a) in the south of Britain
b) in the west of Britain
c) in the north of Britain
3) The first people appeared in Scotland were ...
a) Celtic tribes
b) Gaelic tribes
c) Anglo-Saxon tribes
4) The National emblem of Scotland and the Edinburgh Festival is ...
a) a rose
b) a thistle
c) a daffodil
5) The industrial heart of Scotland is ...
a) Glasgow
b) Edinburgh
c) Cardiff
6)  Two Scotland's best know products are ...
a) whisky and haggis
b) whisky and roast turkey
с) haggis and tea
7) "Clan" is a Scottish name for ...
a) family
b) business partners
c) a group of friends
8) A single piece of cloth, a part of Scottish dress is ...
a) a bagpipe
b) a kilt
c) a tartan
9) A Scottish name for New Year's Eve is ...
a) Easter
b) Hogmanay
c) Christmas
10) First Footer must be ...
a) a man or a boy with dark hair
b) a man or a boy with fair hair
c) a woman with dark hair
11) First Footer must bring
a) a piece of chalk, a piece of chocolate, a silver coin
b) a piece of coal, a piece of cake, a silver coin
c) a piece of coal, a piece of bread, a lot of money
d) a piece of coal, a piece of bread, a silver coin
12) Loch Ness is ...
a) a lake of monster
b) a lake of magic
c) a lake of unknown animals.
13) You can see a monument to ... in Edinburgh. *
a) R.Burns
b) W.Scott
c) G.Byron
14) Tattoo is a colourful military show with music takes place ...
a) in August and September
b) in July and August
c) only in August
15) Glasgow is a centre of ...
a) gardening
b) engineering
c) of winter tourism
16) A Scottish name for woolen fabric with coloured crossing stripes is ...
a) a mackintosh
b) a kilt
c) a tartan

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