пятница, 24 апреля 2020 г.

Для студентов II курса 2 группы ПСА на 24 апреля 2020

Тема: "State system of the Russian Federation". 

Прочтите текст, переведите его, выполните упражнения и письменно ответьте на вопросы:
The Russian Federation is set up by the Constitution of 1993.
Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.
The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation; the Lower Chamber is the State Duma.
Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. Legislature may be initiated in either of the two Chambers. But to become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.
The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he makes treaties, enforces laws, appoints ministers to be approved by the Federal Assembly.
The executive power belongs to the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister. The first action of the Prime Minister on appointment is to form the Cabinet.
The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts.
The members of the Federal Assembly are elected by popular vote for a four-year period.
Today the state symbol of Russia is a three-coloured banner. It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, and the red one symbolizes liberty. It was the first state symbol that replaced the former symbols in 1991. The hymn of Russia is «The Patriotic Song» by M. Glinka. A new national emblem is a two-headed eagle. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia. It originates from the heraldic emblem of the Ruricovitches. All these symbols are official. They have been approved by the Federal Assembly.

Topical Vocabulary

- to be set up by smth. быть учрежденным, основанным в соответствии с чем-либо;
- under the Constitution в соответствии с конституцией;
a presidential republic президентская республика;
- the federal government федеральное правительство;
a branch власть (как часть правительства);
-legislative исполнительный;
-executive исполнительный;
-judicial судебный;
-to be checked by smb. контролироваться кем-либо;
-to be balanced by smb. балансироваться, уравновешиваться кем-либо;
- to be vested in осуществляться кем-либо;
-the Federal Assembly Федеральное собрание;
-a chamber палата;
-the Council of Federation Совет Федерации;
- to be headed by the Speaker возглавляться спикером;
-to initiate a legislature внести законопроект;
-to approve a bill принять законопроект;
-to be signed by smb. быть подписанным кем-либо;
-to veto the bill наложить вето на законопроект;
-commander-in-chief главнокомандующий;
-the armed forces вооруженные силы;
-to make a treaty заключить договор;
-to enforce a law проводить закон в жизнь;
-to appoint a minister назначить министра;
- to belong to smb. принадлежать кому-либо;
-the Prime Minister премьер-министр;
-on appointment после назначения;
-to form the Cabinet сформировать кабинет;
- to be represented by smb. быть представленным кем-либо;
-the Constitutional Court Конституционный суд;
-the Supreme Court Верховный суд;
-a regional court региональный суд;
- to be elected by popular vote быть избранным всенародным голосованием;
- the state symbol государственный символ;
-a banner знамя;
-a hymn гимн;
-a national emblem национальный герб;
-to originate from smth. происходить от чего-либо;
-the heraldic emblem of the Ruricovitches родовой герб Рюриковичей. 

Answer the questions:

1.What does the federal government consist of?

2.What part does the President play in the government?

3.What is the legislative power vested in?

4.How does a bill become a law?

5.What are the functions of the President?

6.What are the executive and the judicial branches represented by?

7.What are the official symbols of Russia?

Translate into English:

1.Правительство Российской Федерации состоит из законодательной, исполнительной и судебной властей, подконтрольных президенту.

2.Законодательная власть осуществляется Федеральным собранием, избираемым всенародным голосованием на 4 года.

3.Во главе каждой из палат стоит спикер.

4.Законопроект представляется на рассмотрение в одной из палат, потом одобряется обеими палатами и подписывается президентом.

5.Судебная власть представлена Конституционным судом, Верховным судом и другими судами.

6. К государственным символам относятся флаг, гимн и герб.
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Для студентов I курса 2 группы ПСО 
на 24 апреля 2020

Тема: Политическое устройство Великобритании /Political system of Great Britain

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the sovereign reigns but does not rule.

Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.

Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords; and the House of Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true power.

The monarch serves formally as head of state. But the monarch is expected to be politically neutral and should not make political decisions.

The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. She was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.

The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament. There are 650 of them in the House of Commons. They are elected by secret ballot. General elections are held every five years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies. All citizens, aged 18 and registered in a constituency, have the right to vote. But voting is not compulsory in Britain. Only persons convicted of corrupt and certain mentally ill patients don't take part in voting.

There are few political parties in Britain thanks to the British electoral system. The main ones are: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal / Social Democratic Alliance.

Each political party puts up one candidate for each constituency. The one who wins the most votes is elected MP for that area.

The party which wins the most seats in Parliament forms the Government. Its leader becomes the Prime Minister. His first job is to choose his Cabinet. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the Cabinet.

The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and scrutiny of government activities. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker. The Speaker is appointed by the Government.

The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers. It is presided by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real power. It acts rather as an advisory council.
It's in the House of Commons that new bills are introduced and debated. If the majority of the members are in favour of a bill, it goes to the House of Lords to be debated. The House of Lords has the right to reject a new bill twice.

But after two rejections they are obliged to accept it. And finally a bill goes to the monarch to be signed. Only then it becomes law.

Parliament is responsible for British national policy. Local governments are responsible for organizing of education, police and many others.

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