четверг, 18 июня 2020 г.

   Задание для студентов I курса 1 группы ПСО 
                              на 18 июня 2020

 пройдите по ссылке и выполните тест. 

Тест на согласование времен в английском языке (sequence of tenses test)

Выберите правильный вариант

Задание 1.

Greg said that ... a new job.
Задание 2.

Tim complained that he ... at four o’clock in the morning.
Задание 3.

He said that he ... that film.
Задание 4.

Anna explained to me that the hairdresser’s ... down the road.
Задание 5.

Charles said that he ... me the following day.
Задание 6.

Bill asked me what ... for dinner the day before.
Задание 7.

He said that If I ... Kathrin, she ... me.
Задание 8.

I was worried if ... enough space to buy a new TV set to my room.
Задание 9.

Alex wondered if ... for the weekend at his place.
Задание 10.

I wasn’t sure if my purchases ... or not and I didn’t know whom to ask about it.
Задание 11.

Ben asked him whether he ... a motorcycle.
Задание 12.

The police officer ... the car.
Задание 13.

Pam asked him why he ... his job.
Задание 14.

He said the bus ... a little late that day.
Задание 15.

Pam ... to the cinema.
Задание 16.

It was very late, so I ... to bed.
Задание 17.

He said the fire ... a lot of damage to the building.
Задание 18.

Simon was wrong when he said that Andrew ... to his new apartment the next day.
Задание 19.

She told him that he ... harder.
Задание 20.

He said that if he ... so quickly, the accident ... even worse.
Задание 21.

She told us that the new furniture ... the day before.
Задание 22.

She was worried that her son ... very well that semester.
Задание 23.

They warned us that the manager ... the office the following day.
Задание 24.

He ... the money he had earned.
Задание 25.

He admitted ... my secret.
Задание 26.

He claimed that he ... a prize.
Задание 27.

He complained that he ... enough money to buy such an expensive present.
Задание 28.

Our teacher insisted on ... by Friday.
Задание 29.

She explained that she ... him because he was rude.
Задание 30.

He said that Tom was the best student he ... .

  Классификация  местоимений в английском языке личные (Personal pronouns); притяжательные (Possessive pronouns); возвратные (Reflexive pron...