среда, 22 апреля 2020 г.

Для студентов II курса 2 группы ПСА на 22 апреля 2020

How does an election work? 

Do the preparation task first.
Then watch the video and do the exercises.

(для слов из первого столбика найдите описание из второго столбика)
Preparation: Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.

1…….. a poll                   a. the name of the house of government in the                                              UK
2…….. a coalition            b. an area of a country which has a Member of                                            Parliament
3…….. a constituency      c. a process of collecting votes or opinions 4…….. a ballot                d. a voting process which is done in secret
5…….. Parliament            e. an alliance of political parties

 Watch the video and do the exercises. посмотрите видео

exercises 1. (выберите правильный вариант и запишите полный ответ с переводом. фото на почту)
1. Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the best answer to these questions.

1. How often are General Elections held in the UK?

a. every three years
b. every four years
c. every five years

2. What is a bit like a shopping list of what politicians plan to do if they’re voted in?

a. a debate
b. a manifesto
c. a constituency

3. What do voters need to do before Election Day?

a. register for a polling card
b. attend a debate
c. go to a polling station

4. On Election Day, how long are polling stations open?

a. only in the morning
b. from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
c. 24 hours

5. How can people place their vote?

a. only at polling stations
b. only by post
c. at polling stations or by post

6. What is a hung parliament?

a. an election with a clear winner
b. an election with no clear winner
c. an election which is reheld

exercises 2.
Check your vocabulary: multiple selection – collocations (verb + noun) Circle the two verbs which can complete each sentence.

выберите два  правильных  варианта и переведите предложения на русский язык
1. The UK holds / has / makes an election every five years.
2. Every registered person over 18 years old can place / give / cast a vote.
3. Politicians from different political parties sit / stand / run for election. 
4. Politicians campaign to get / win / take votes and public support.
5. Politicians throw / have / hold debates with their rivals, sometimes on TV.
6. Every person's vote can play / get / have a big role in deciding who leads the country.

exercises 3.(ответьте письменно на вопросы)
Do you think voting is important?
Are you interested in national or international politics?
Задание для II курса 3 группы ПСО на 22 апреля 2020

The British Constitution

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. 
2. Выпишите и выучите все незнакомые слова с транскрипцией. 
3. Подготовьте сообщение на тему UK Constitution. 
4. Видео с пересказом отправьте мне. 

1. What makes the UK Constitution different from other constitutions?
2. What are the sources of the UK Constitution?
3. What is the core principle of the UK Constitution?
4. What bodies represent the three branches of power (executive, legislative and judiciary)? 

The British Constitution is unwritten unlike the constitution in America or the proposed European Constitution, and as such, is referred to as an uncodified constitution in the sense that there is no single document that can be identified as Britain's constitution. The British Constitution can be found in a variety of documents. The main ones are: Statutes (the Magna Carta of 1215 and the Act of Settlement of 1701), Acts of Parliament; customs and traditions, political conventions, case law; constitutional matters decided in a court of law. Since the English Civil War, the core principle of the British constitution has traditionally been the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, according to which the statutes passed by Parliament are the UK's supreme and final source of law. It follows that Parliament can change the constitution simply by passing new Acts of Parliament to be followed by the Royal Assent. There is some debate about whether this principle remains entirely valid today, in part due to the UK’s European Union membership.  According to the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, Parliament may pass any legislation that it wishes. There are many Acts of Parliament which themselves have constitutional significance. For example, Parliament has the power to determine the length of its own term.  However, the Sovereign retains the power to dissolve Parliament at any time on the advice of the Prime Minister. Parliament also has the power to change the structure of its constituent Houses and the relation between them. Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. All the legislation must receive the approval of the Sovereign (the Royal Assent). Following the accession of the UK to European Economic Community (now the European Union) in 1972, the UK became bound by European law and more importantly, the principle of the supremacy of European Union law. The House of Commons alone possesses the power to pass a motion of no-confidence in the Government, which requires the Government either to resign or seek fresh elections. Such a motion does not require passage by the Lords, or the Royal Assent. Parliament traditionally also has the power to remove individual members of the government by impeachment. By the Constitutional Reform Act2005 it has the power to remove individual judges from office for misconduct. The executive power in the United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign through Her Majesty's Government. The monarch appoints the Prime Minister as the head of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister then selects the other Ministers which make up the Government. As in some other parliamentary systems of government, the executive is accountable to Parliament.
The Courts of the United Kingdom are divided into three separate jurisdictions serving England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, since the United Kingdom does not have a single unified judicial system. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to take over the judicial functions of the House of Lords and devolution cases from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Supreme Court began its work in 2009, and serves as the highest court of appeal in England, Wales and in Northern Ireland, and for civil cases in Scotland. The High Court of Justiciary remains the court of last resort in Scotland for criminal cases. 

Посмотрите видео о конституции Великобритании

Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями. 

1. The British Constitution is unwritten unlike the Constitutions of the USA and the proposed European Constitution. 
2. The British Constitution can be found in a variety of documents. 
3. Amendments to the British Constitution need the approval of both Houses of Parliament, but they do not need the Royal Assent. 
4. Parliamentary sovereignty has always been the core principle of the British Constitution. 
5. The Sovereign has no power to dissolve Parliament. 
6. Parliament has no power to change the structure of its houses. 
7. The British Parliament consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 
8. The European law has priority over the UK law. 
9. The executive power in the United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign. 
10. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 created a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. 

Ознакомьтесь с темой Infinitive (инфинитив)

Инфинитив — это неличная форма глагола, которая называет действие и в русском языке соответствует неопределенной форме глагола (инфинитиву), которая отвечает на вопросы: «что делать?», «что сделать?»: to read — читать, прочитать to investigate — расследовать to detect — разыскать, разыскивать Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to, однако частица to перед инфинитивом в некоторых случаях опускается. 
Е.g.: We must learn how to find the criminal as quickly as possible.

Инфинитив в предложении может быть: 

1. Подлежащим: 
То detect the criminal is very often not an easy task. (Разыскать преступника — это очень часто нелегкая задача).

2. Составной частью сказуемого: 
The main duty of policc officers is to fight crime. (Главная обязанность сотрудника полиции — это бороться с преступностью). 

3. Дополнением: 
At our College we are also taught to find evidence. (В институте нас также учат находить улики). 

4. Определением: 
Не had no intention to commit a criminal act. (У него не было намерения совершать преступное деяние). 

5. Обстоятельством цели: 
I entered the Moscow Law Institute (in order) to become a good lawyer. (Я поступил в МЮИ, чтобы стать хорошим юристом). 

Инфинитив имеет формы залога (Active, Passive), а также формы времени (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect)

Выпишите таблицу в тетрадь и выучите

Инфинитив в английском языке (Infinitive): формы инфинитива ...

Наиболее распространенными являются формы Indefinite Infinitive Active и Passive. Остальные формы инфинитива встречаются значительно реже. 

1. То elect and to be elected is the right of every citizcn. (Избирать и быть избранным — право каждого гражданина). 
2. The delegation is said to have left Moscow. (Говорят, делегация уехала из Москвы). 
3. Не cannot be studying at such a late hour. (He может быть, чтобы он занимался в такой поздний час). 
4. Не is known to have been working on this problem for many years. (Известно, что он работает над этой проблемой в течение многих лет). 
5. Не is happy to have been invited there. (Он счастлив, что его пригласили туда).

Passive Infinitive в функции определения.

Пассивный инфинитив, стоящий после существительного, обычно переводится придаточным предложением с оттенком моральности, в котором действие, выраженное инфинитивом, совершается над лицом или предметом, к которому оно относится. 
E.g. The case to be investigated by this young officer is rather difficult. (Дело, которое должно быть расследовано этим молодым следователем, довольно трудное).

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences: 

1. The evidence to be found at the crime scene is very important for the investigation. 
2. The report to be written by the investigator must include all he facts collected during the investigation. 
3. The crimc to be investigated by Scotland Yard occurred on the Thames. 
4. The criminal case to be tried by our district court next week is much spoken of in our city. 
5. Justice in this country to be administered equally by judges often depends on the sum of money a person has. 
6. He spoke of the problems to be settled in the nearest future. 7. The article to be discussed by the students is about the American Constitution.

Для I курса ПСА 2 группы на 22 апреля 2020

Выберите правильный вариант.  (фото на почту) 

1.     He ... the girl, threatening with a knife.

2.     Kate was ashamed of ... money from her father’s purse.

3.     There was neither intent nor malice on her side, so it is ... .

4.     Do you have a fancy for ... stories?

5.     … is the most general word for a person, who advises people about laws.

6.     A lawyer who mainly works in the office is called a (an) ... .

7.     She was tortured by ... .

8.     People said that the heavy losses were the manager’s ... .

9.     The jury acquitted him, because his ... was not proved.

10. She was ... by a man who threatened to tell her employer about her past.

11. The ... had a knife so she gave him her bag.

12. Department stores lose millions from ... .

13. He ... his father’s signature on 20 000 pounds worth of cheques.

14. When you travel on public transport, always keep your bag carefully closed in case of ... .

15. Eventually they manage to reach a (an) ... .

16. The judge gave him a suspended ... .

17. ... exists in some parts of the USA.
Capital punishment

18. It was decided that Timothy was innocent and he was ... .

19. The judge agreed to ... her on bail.

20. The ... found Jones guilty.

выберите правильный ответ:

1. What is the official name of Great Britain now?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland.
Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain

2. What parts does Great Britain consist of and what are their capitals?
England (London); Scotland(Cardiff); Wales(Edinburgh); Northern Ireland (Belfast).
England (London); Scotland (Edinburgh); Wales (Cardiff); Northern Ireland (Belfast).
Britain (London); Wales (Cardiff); Scotland (Edinburgh); Ireland (Belfast).

3. Britain’s population is more than… million people.

4. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…
the Pacific Ocean.
the Irish Sea.
the English Channel.

5. The head of State in Britain is ....
the Prime Minister.
the President.
the Queen.

6. The National Gallery is in …
Piccadily Circus.
Parliament Square.
Trafalgar Square.

7. The Great Fire of London broke out in…

8. The population of London is about .....
10 million
5 million
8 million

9. The oldest part of London is .....
the City
the East-End

10. The Queen of England lives in .....
Hampton Court Palace
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London

11. In front of Buckingham Palace there is .....
Nelson's Column
Albert Memorial
the Queen Victoria Memorial

12. The Prime Minister lives in ....
No 10 Downing Street
Parliament Square

13. Whitehall is .....
fine building
wide street leading to Parliament Square
famous museum

14. The Tower of London …. .
is where the Queen lives.
is London's biggest art museum.
was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.

15. Trafalgar Square ......
is Britain's main banking centre.
is London's main shopping centre.
was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar.

16. Royal Opera House .....
is in Covent Garden.
is famous for the Poet's Corner.
is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

17. St Paul's Cathedral .....
was built after the Great Fire of London.
is for Queen Elizabeth ' home where she often stays at Christmas and Easter.
is in Covent Garden.

18. Oxford Street .....
is Britain's main banking centre.
is London's main shopping centre.
is famous for the Poet's Corner.

19. The National Gallery     ......
is London's biggest art museum.
is one of the most famous libraries in the world.
is the largest private collection in the world.

20. Windsor Castle .....
is for Queen Elizabeth ' home where she often stays at Christmas and Easter.
was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.
is where the Queen lives.

21. Westminster Abbey ......
was built after the Great Fire of London.
is famous for the Poet's Corner.
is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

22. The City of London .....
is Britain's main banking centre.
is London's main shopping centre.
is famous for the Poet's Corner.

23. The Speaker's Corner ......
is in Hyde Park where anyone can make a speech.
is famous for the Poet's Corner.
is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

24. The Serpentine  ......
is the lake in the middle of Hyde Park.
is the river in the center of London.
is in Covent Garden

25. Giant's Causeway is in .... . 
Nothern Ireland

26. … United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Isles.

27. There are ... bridges over  the Thames in London.

28. Great Britain …by the Northern Sea.
is washed
is washing
was washed

29. In its narrowest part the English Channel is called …
the Straight of Dover
La Manche
the Thames

30. Northern Ireland is a part of … .
the UK
Great Britain
the Irish Republic

31. Moscow is … city in Russia.
the largest
the larger

32. Moscow was founded by Yury Dolgoruky in ….

  Telling the time properly in English Watch popular way Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use  past  and the preceding hour for min...