Для студентов II курса 2 группы ПСА на 22 апреля 2020
How does an election work?
Then watch the video and do the exercises.
(для слов из первого столбика найдите описание из второго столбика)
Preparation: Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.
1…….. a poll a. the name of the house of government in the UK
2…….. a coalition b. an area of a country which has a Member of Parliament
3…….. a constituency c. a process of collecting votes or opinions 4…….. a ballot d. a voting process which is done in secret
5…….. Parliament e. an alliance of political parties
Watch the video and do the exercises. посмотрите видео
1. Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the best answer to these questions.
1. How often are General Elections held in the UK?
a. every three years
b. every four years
c. every five years
2. What is a bit like a shopping list of what politicians plan to do if they’re voted in?
a. a debate
b. a manifesto
c. a constituency
3. What do voters need to do before Election Day?
a. register for a polling card
b. attend a debate
c. go to a polling station
4. On Election Day, how long are polling stations open?
a. only in the morning
b. from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
c. 24 hours
5. How can people place their vote?
a. only at polling stations
b. only by post
c. at polling stations or by post
6. What is a hung parliament?
a. an election with a clear winner
b. an election with no clear winner
c. an election which is reheld
exercises 2.
Check your vocabulary: multiple selection – collocations (verb + noun) Circle the two verbs which can complete each sentence.
1. How often are General Elections held in the UK?
a. every three years
b. every four years
c. every five years
2. What is a bit like a shopping list of what politicians plan to do if they’re voted in?
a. a debate
b. a manifesto
c. a constituency
3. What do voters need to do before Election Day?
a. register for a polling card
b. attend a debate
c. go to a polling station
4. On Election Day, how long are polling stations open?
a. only in the morning
b. from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
c. 24 hours
5. How can people place their vote?
a. only at polling stations
b. only by post
c. at polling stations or by post
6. What is a hung parliament?
a. an election with a clear winner
b. an election with no clear winner
c. an election which is reheld
exercises 2.
Check your vocabulary: multiple selection – collocations (verb + noun) Circle the two verbs which can complete each sentence.
выберите два правильных варианта и переведите предложения на русский язык
1. The UK holds / has / makes an election every five years.
2. Every registered person over 18 years old can place / give / cast a vote.
3. Politicians from different political parties sit / stand / run for election.
1. The UK holds / has / makes an election every five years.
2. Every registered person over 18 years old can place / give / cast a vote.
3. Politicians from different political parties sit / stand / run for election.
4. Politicians campaign to get / win / take votes and public support.
5. Politicians throw / have / hold debates with their rivals, sometimes on TV.
6. Every person's vote can play / get / have a big role in deciding who leads the country.
exercises 3.(ответьте письменно на вопросы)
Do you think voting is important?
Are you interested in national or international politics?
5. Politicians throw / have / hold debates with their rivals, sometimes on TV.
6. Every person's vote can play / get / have a big role in deciding who leads the country.
exercises 3.(ответьте письменно на вопросы)
Do you think voting is important?
Are you interested in national or international politics?