вторник, 2 июня 2020 г.

Для студентов I курса 1 группы ПСО, 
                             I курса 1 группы ПСА
     на 2 июня 2020

"Acid rains".

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Grammar:Past Perfect Continuous.

Выполните следующие упражнения:

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, изменив глагол в  Past Perfect ontinuous:
Sally ___________ (type) this text for 3 hours before Mark came.
Anthony _________ (wait) for his airplane for 3 hours when its delay was announced.
I saw many huge puddles. ______ it_______ (rain) hard?
Sam did not even realize what a hard time Molly ______ (have).
Rita _______ (train) for a year and she was very fit when her ex-boyfriend met her.
Rachel’s husband _________ (fix) the car since early morning.
Paul and Molly ___________ (talk) on the phone for an hour when the line broke.
How long ____________ you_________ (watch) TV before you decided to go to bed?
Steven felt tired as he __________ (sail) for several hours.
Zina __________ (try) to find her mother for years but she failed.

Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения:
went / Kate / it / for five years / had / for that company / working / when / been / out of business.
all day / Mark / to sit down / wanted / he / because / had  /standing / been / at work.
teaching / a year / Jack / had  / than  / he  / for / been / more  / before  / at the university / left for Asia.
long / studying / How / moved / you / been / Japanese / before / had / you / to Tokyo?

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский:
Джонни выглядел уставшим, так как он пробежал большую дистанцию.
Хелен набрала лишний вес, так как в последнее время она переедала.
Лиза провалила тест, так как не готовилась к нему и не посещала занятия.
Алекс был уставшим, потому что он много упражнялся.
Она долго плакала прежде чем успокоится.

Упражнение 4. Ответьте, используя Past Perfect Continuous:
1 … it been snowing when you left the old house? (for 4 hours)
2 … Eton been working before he retired? (for 20 years)
3 … Mike been living there when Janet moved in? (for a fortnight)
4 … they been studying German before they finaly went to Berlin? (for 5 years)
5 …the authors been working on the novel before they sent it to a publisher? (for 2 years)
6 … Pele been playing football before he took part in that championship? (for 6 years)
7 … the students been listening attentively to the dialog before they could understand the basic meaning? (for an hour)
8 … the children been walking before the granny called them? (for 2 hours)

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