Для II курса РИПК на 13 апреля 2020
Тема:"В лаборатории".
1.Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме и запишите ее в словари вместе с транскрипцией:
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All the laboratories of inorganic chemistry are almost alike. These are large rooms where both students and research-workers carry out their experimental work.
Modern laboratories of inorganic as well as organic and analytical chemistry are
provided with gas and running water. Every laboratory is to be provided with a
ventilating hood for the escape of both harmful and unpleasant vapours and odours.
Every laboratory has to be lit up very well.
There are many laboratory benches with a great number of drawers in every laboratory. Different apparatus devices as well as materials are to be kept in them.
Besides we can see many shelves and cases for containers with chemicals.
On every laboratory bench one can see test-tubes, flasks, beakers, funnels, evaporating dishes, weighing bottles. All this glassware should be kept in good order.
Various burners serve for producing flames. Bunsen burner is to be mentioned among them. Different crucibles are to be employed when heating of solution and igniting of materials are to be carried out. Crucibles are usually made of quartz, porcelain and iron. In addition to these crucibles, there are platinum crucibles in some laboratories, but they are used very seldom.
Every laboratory should be equipped with different kinds of apparatus. Everything in the laboratory is to have its definite place.
3.Грамматика: Словообразование.Суффиксы.
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